Cue the Color: Georgia Pink

cue the color Georgia pink

We're bringing back our favorite series with new finds and additional examples of pieces lacquered in our glossy stock lacquer shades!
Despite being based in Alabama, we've got Georgia PINK on our mind! This soft shade is soothing while adding girly flair to any space. While it was initially added to our stock color selection with baby girl nurseries in mind, we love the idea of using it in other ways as well. 
To create your own Hibiscus House piece in the shade, be sure to check out our “Raw Available to Lacquer” collection of the website to select which piece of furniture you’d like to add it to!

From left to right by row: 
Scroll below to see some of our favorite pieces we've customized in Georgia Pink that are currently available for customization! 
Shop the finds we shared and additional favorites in this shade here

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